Olympus Stylus Epic ZOOM 80 DELUXE
The very first camera loan honor goes out to my brother, Ryan Foley. This is such a fun camera to shoot with. It is amazingly sharp.
See all shots taken here.

The camera left a few small light leaks in the corners of a few pictures like the one above.

To me, the camera's controls all seem like a digital camera. The flash and picture settings are in a digital screen on the top of the camera, and I have to say, compared to the others in my collection, its pretty sophisticated. But awesome. It also is an autowind camera, obviously autofocus, and scans your film to see what speed you are shooting with. I've never put a roll of film in a camera and shot so quickly.
I have a few more cameras that I'm working on shooting through that should be up here soon! Don't hesitate to contact me if there is a camera that you are dying to let me shoot with!
This is a really fun project. I just saw your interview on the feaverish blog. I'd love to let you borrow one of my cameras...I have a 70 year old Rolleicord, a Polaroid Highlander Land Camera that can apparently be converted to 120 if you shoot one exposure at a time, a weird old orange canon--what I believe is an "Aqua Snappy" waterproof model, and another old TLR that looks very 60s or 70s but I believe is functional. I've never had time to use these cameras because I am a lazy digital shooter. I'd be happy to have you put them to the test though! Email me if you're interested, I couldn't find your email anywhere on here.